Jolleen Gabriel

Swimwear designer

I’m a swimwear designer passionate about ​creating unique and stylish collections. With a ​focus on both fashion and function, I help ​brands elevate their designs and stand out in ​the competitive swimwear market.

On my free time I enjoy painting, drawing, ​baking cookies, going to cute coffee shops, ​and journaling .

Let’s work together to bring your vision to life!.

Crafting swimwear that makes waves

Paper Speech Bubble


I’m Jolleen!

Bikini Swimwear Illustration

Click to view my portfolio

Here’s where I can help you with

Illustration of a Conch Shell


Ocean Floor Starfish Line Illustration

tech packs

Ocean Floor Shell Line Illustration


Ocean Floor Shell Line Illustration


Ocean Floor Coral Seaweed Line Illustration


Book Now Button with Hand Cursor Illustration

Book a free discovery call

Let’s talk about how I can help with Design...

Blue title bar background text element
Pink Check Mark

I develop unique and customized designs

Blue title bar background text element
Pink Check Mark

I stay up-to-date with trend forward styles

Blue title bar background text element
Pink Check Mark

I offer sustainable design options

Flat Price Tag Illustration

Starts at $10​0

Blue title bar background text element
Pink Check Mark
Book Now Button with Hand Cursor Illustration

I provide valuable advice and support

Book a free discovery call

Why you need them

Tech packs ensure that your vision for the ​garment is accurately communicated to the ​manufacturer, minimizing errors and ensuring ​the final product meets your expectations.

A great tech pack saves you TIME and MONEY!


  • Less room for errors when you have clear ​directions.

  • Save on prototypes, only have 2 prototypes max!

  • Better communication with manufacturers

Book Now Button with Hand Cursor Illustration

Book a free discovery call

What are tech packs?

Tech packs are essential documents in the ​fashion industry that provide manufacturers ​with detailed instructions on how to produce a ​garment.

Flat Price Tag Illustration

Starts at $250

I offer comprehensive tech pack services ​that ensure your designs are accurately ​translated into production-ready garments.

What are CADs?

Why you need them...

Pink Check Mark

CADs, or Computer-Aided Design, are digital ​drawings of designs.

They provide a detailed and precise visual ​representation of the garment, including its ​shape, measurements, and construction details.

CADs ensure that your vision for the swimwear ​is accurately communicated to manufacturers, ​pattern makers, and other creatives.

CADs can be easily modified and shared ​digitally, saving time and reducing errors.

CADs allow you to visualize the swimwear ​design in its entirety before production begins, ​helping you identify any potential issues or ​areas for improvement.

Pink Check Mark
Pink Check Mark
Flat Price Tag Illustration

Starts at $10​0

Book Now Button with Hand Cursor Illustration

Book a free discovery call


Whether you're looking for a small-scale, ​sustainable, or ethically-sourced option, I'll ​connect you with manufacturers that meet ​your specific requirements.

We'll discuss your production goals, budget, ​and desired location.

I'll research potential manufacturers based on ​your criteria and create a shortlist.

Book Now Button with Hand Cursor Illustration

Book a free discovery call

Flat Price Tag Illustration

Starts at $800

drying swimsuit

book a free

discovery call

Book Now Button with Hand Cursor Illustration

During our discovery call

we’ll discuss...

Let’s chat

  • Your goals and objectives- what you hope to ​achieve

  • Your needs and challenges- what specific ​problems you’re trying to solve.

  • Your budget and timeline- what budget we can ​work around with and your timeframe for this ​project.

  • My service offerings- how I can meet your ​needs.

  • Next steps- how we can proceed with the ​project

Let’s work ​together!

Instagram Blue Logo Vector
linkedin Vector Icon Design